Quick Resume!
Bored by a boss in fight! Come back to Xbox Home and then launch the game you want. Bored in the current game ? Wanna try the boss fight again? Just go back and launch the game of that boss!
This game will boot instantly into the gameplay and you will join the fight with boss instantly with full energy you got!
Quick resume allows you to switch between titles and have a continuous play between various games.
No doubt everyone loves this feature and likes to continue the game in this fashion!
So lets look at various reactions recorded by Xboxsians,
- Some people wonder and ask Xbox why this came so late and does nextgen performance actually needed to be having this quick resume facility.
- Some Twitch and Players have loved switching between titles and loved having mixed gameplay.
- Some People got shocked by the fact that Xbox can Quick resume titles after console Reboot also.
- Some players shared their moments that fighting a boss battle and quick resume putting them directly infront of boss sometimes scared them.
- Many players find it so incredible that Quick Resume is supported for All Backward Compatible Titles.
- Some players called it 0 Boot up times and some players said that it takes 5-6 seconds to Quick Resume a Title.
- Some players also confirmed that Quick Resume works by unplugging the console and replugging it back again also.
- Players feel nice as Quick Resume offered to 3 Gen Titles under one Hood.
- Some feel so nice that Series X is quite better than actual PC as PC is way more priced than Xbox Series X and it does not have Quick Resume.
- Quick Resume Technology is some times questioned by Multiplayer games or Online only games and players feel the need to selectively turn it ON and Turn it OFF.
Most of them have just reached to the Supreme World cities such as europe and United States. But Entire world is still away from such kindness of not having hardware to play and just plug in and tune in with internet connection and screen. With the future upcoming the Nextgen I want from 5 years from now is only the cloud one and I dont want to see any hardware that would block from someone to play!
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